November 2021 Advocacy Update
Access Complaint Form
Have you encountered barriers when trying to visit local stores or restaurants?
It's super easy to file a complaint with the state Architectural Access Board (AAB), and you don't need a lawyer!
Visit the AAB website at here for more info. For technical assistance on filing a complaint, send an email to Michael Muehe, Access Analyst for the Boston Center for Independent Living at
Calling All Wheelchair and Scooter Users:
Help Test the New MBTA bus Wheelchair Securement System!
The MBTA will hold a Special Live Demonstration on November 5 for the Spaulding-area community of the fully automated Quantum securement system they propose for use on buses. Quantum uses a robotic arm that deploys around the wheels of a manual or power chair and snugs it tight. The rider pushes a button to secure and release the chair. Let’s get out there and make sure Quantum works for us, as one way to expand transportation choices for wheelchair users!
Date: Friday November 5, 2021 (Rain date: November 12)
Time: 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Location: MBTA Bus Stop at 13th Street & 5th Avenue, Charlestown MA
You can just drop by, or contact the MBTA Dept. of Systemwide Accessibility (SWA) at or (617) 222-5254 to register. For a peek at the system, see this quick video, or visit the MBTA’s What’s Trending in Accessibility site.
Standards for Accessibility in Housing
On October 19 and 26, the New England ADA Center hosted instructive webinars on Accessibility Requirements in Massachusetts Multi-family Housing. The webinars cover federal and state requirements, which intersect in a complex way, but the slides (Scoping and Design) might be helpful for your local planning board or commission on disability.
Better Wheelchair Options for Air Travel?!
On Sept 23, United Spinal Association’s Advocacy Series featured Air Travel for Passengers with Disabilities: An Update on Access. Look at the video recording to hear about legislative initiatives and regulatory processes that could make airline travel more comfortable for wheelchair users and safer for their chairs… including the possibility of flying IN your chair!
PCA Program Updates
I'm the vice chair of the PCA Workforce Council and I represent consumer/employers including the SCI/D community. Big changes are coming to the PCA program. I'm here to help answer questions and navigate. Please contact me at
Fiscal Intermediary Transition (FI) If your current FI is Stavros or Northeast Arc you will need to fill out paperwork to complete a transition to the new single FI- Tempus Unlimited by mid December. I should be able to provide guidance to navigate this confusing process.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) will be rolled out in 2022. This is a federally mandated initiative that none of us like. I'm working closely with advocacy organizations, MassHealth, and the union to develop the least disruptive plan for implementation and ways to address issues as they arise. There are lots of details but it's important for you to know that this will be done in smaller groups with at least a month's warning before individuals will need to start to use EVV. There will be many ways for you to learn about EVV and to give feedback. But if you have any questions or feedback please don't hesitate to contact me!
Help Pass Accessible Housing and Workplaces Legislation
Please join the GBC’s ongoing advocacy to pass legislation to address the need for safe, accessible housing in our communities for older adults and people with disabilities as well as legislation to remove barriers to employment for people with disabilities.
We expect a committee hearing for the legislation this month. It would be great to have lots of GBC members present oral and or written testimony. I will let you know as soon as a hearing is scheduled.
It’s always good to email and call your state senator and representative. You can get the contact information by putting your address into Find My Legislator.
Ask your Senator to cosponsor and support S.1629 ACCESSIBLE MA ACT that deals with housing and workplace accessibility.
Ask your Representative to cosponsor and support H.2420 ADAPTABLE HOUSING MA that focuses on housing. And H.2419 ACCESSIBLE WORKPLACES MA that focuses on making workplaces accessible.
More details about each piece of legislation can be found on these fact sheets:
ACCESSIBLE MA ACT (Senate) fact sheet
ADAPTABLE HOUSING MA (House) fact sheet
Please contact Chris Hoeh if you have questions, or want to be more involved in this effort.