May 2022 Advocacy Update
United Spinal Association, the national organization to which the Greater Boston Chapter belongs, is strong on advocacy. United Spinal has launched a Pathways to Employment job portal to help connect those with SCI/D with employers eager to recruit them. They’re also recruiting testers for inclusive technologies under a new Tech Access Initiative. Look out for more news on the 2022 launch of United Spinal’’s “Strong Wheeled Together” campaign at the Action Center.
From United Spinal National
Advocacy Live Join the Rolling Revolution
Come join and collaborate with other advocates the 3rd Tuesday of every month – alternating times at 1pm ET and 5pm ET. Next Advocacy Live is May 17 at 5pm ET.
United Spinal Celebrates a Win on SCI Model Systems
Due to United Spinal’s advocacy and with advocacy support from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Congress approved a $3.5 million funding increase in March for the National Institute of Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research 2022 budget. $2 million will go toward funding additional Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems, the nationally recognized centers of excellence that provide the highest level of comprehensive SCI services, from the point of injury through rehabilitation and re-entry into full community life.
Read more in United Spinal’s New Mobility magazine
President’s budget
President Biden Releases 2023 Budget
On March 28, 2022, The President released his FY 2023 budget which provides robust funding for health care, benefits and national cemeteries including $139.1 billion in discretionary funding (an increase of $21.9 billion or 18.7%). Discretionary funding is funding that does not go to mandatory entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. There is $161.3 billion (an increase of $8.6 billion or 5.7%) in mandatory funding for 2022 benefit programs inclusive of Compensation and Pensions, Readjustment Benefits, Housing and Insurance. Veterans Affairs Secretary McDonough’s priorities include the following:
Support VA medical care
Improve Veterans’ mental health care services
Prioritize Veteran suicide prevention
Increase women Veterans’ health care
Address environmental exposures
Support cancer moonshot and precision oncology
Invest in human infrastructure
To view Secretary McDonough’s statement on the President’s Budget and more background information, click here.
2022 Roll on Capitol Hill Debuts Hybrid Format
United Spinal Association’s 2022 Roll on Capitol Hill, June 12-16, will offer in-person and virtual participation options so advocates from every state can engage directly with federal policymakers on the SCI/D community’s most pressing issues. The new hybrid format will expand the reach of United Spinal’s signature event more than ever before.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for how to engage in our virtual components of Roll on Capitol Hill. Visit our New Mobility magazine for more information.
From the National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology (NCART)
Another informative CRT Industry Webinar is being held next week on May 5 at 4:00 PM ET. Join NCART, NRRTS, U.S. Rehab, and the Clinician Task Force at no cost. Attendees will benefit from information relevant to CRT access and an opportunity to ask questions about policy and advocacy action impacting CRT. Register here today!
From the U.S. Access Board
Virtual Public Meeting on Low Transfer Surface Height for Medical Diagnostic Equipment
“The U.S. Access Board will hold a virtual public information meeting on accessible medical diagnostic equipment (MDE) and the adjustability of transfer surfaces for patients who use wheelchairs on May 12, 2022 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (ET). The Board is hosting this meeting to gather information on the minimum heights that MDE with transfer surfaces, including examination tables and chairs and diagnostic imaging medical equipment with tables, can be adjusted to accommodate the broadest range of users.”
For more information and to register click here.