June Advocacy Update
Access Complaint Form
Have you encountered barriers when trying to visit local stores or restaurants?
It's super easy to file a complaint with the state Architectural Access Board (AAB), and you don't need a lawyer!
Visit the AAB website at here for more info. For technical assistance on filing a complaint, send an email to Michael Muehe, Access Analyst for the Boston Center for Independent Living at mmuehe@bostoncil.org.
Mass Bay Transportation Authority: Chapter reps continue to speak up for wheelchair users at meetings where the MBTA is seeking feedback on the many changes in services and facilities that are under consideration and underway. Good news: the RIDE is again allowing your PCA plus one guest to ride with you. If you want to hear first-hand what changes are being considered for the bus network, and provide feedback that can help shape the conversation, join a virtual public meeting on Tuesday June 8, 6:00-7:30 pm: https://www.mbta.com/events/2021-06-08/bus-network-redesign-public-meeting
Help Pass Accessible Housing and Workplaces Legislation
Please join the GBC’s ongoing advocacy to pass legislation to address the need for safe, accessible housing in our communities for older adults and people with disabilities as well as legislation to remove barriers to employment for people with disabilities.
One of the best ways to help is to email and call your state senator and representative. You can get the contact information by putting your address into Find My Legislator.
Ask your Senator to cosponsor and support S.1629 ACCESSIBLE MA ACT that deals with housing and workplace accessibility.
Ask your Representative to cosponsor and support H.2420 ADAPTABLE HOUSING MA that focuses on housing. And H.2419 ACCESSIBLE WORKPLACES MA that focuses on making workplaces accessible.
More details about each piece of legislation can be found on these fact sheets:
ACCESSIBLE MA ACT (Senate) fact sheet
ADAPTABLE HOUSING MA (House) fact sheet
Please contact Chris Hoeh if you have questions, or want to be more involved in this effort.
Accessible MA legislator email template
Hello [Representative/Chairperson/President] [NAME], I hope you’re doing well. I {OPTIONAL am a member of [ORGANIZATION] and we } would like you to cosponsor H.2420 ADAPTABLE HOUSING MA which will expand the availability of housing that can efficiently be adapted to allow older adults and people with disabilities to live safely in the communities of their choice; and H.2419 ACCESSIBLE WORKPLACES MA which would remove barriers to employment for people with disabilities, finally bringing the state into compliance with the ADA. Both of these pieces of legislation were filed by Rep. Moran and Rep. Barber. I’ve attached fact sheets that provide more information about each bill. {OPTIONAL: This issue is important to me because….}
Please contact me with any questions and I look forward to hearing that you will be adding your name as a cosponsor.
(Your Name)
Hello [Senator/Chairperson/President] [NAME], I hope you’re doing well. I {OPTIONAL am a member of [ORGANIZATION] and we } would like you to cosponsor S.1629 ACCESSIBLE MA, filed by Sen. Moore, which would remove barriers to employment for people with disabilities, finally bringing the state into compliance with the ADA, and expand the availability of housing that can efficiently be adapted to allow older adults and people with disabilities to live safely in the communities of their choice. I’ve attached fact sheets for both pieces of legislation. {OPTIONAL: This issue is important to me because….}
Please contact me with any questions and I look forward to hearing that you will be adding your name as a cosponsor.
(Your Name)