July 2020 Update

1. PCA and Related Services during COVID- The emergency regulations continue to evolve. The most up-to-date information can be found here

Advocates continue to push to allow spouses and parents/guardians to be paid as PCAs. The state has created a workaround that allows consumers to use home health aid agencies who can hire a family member. This is not working well and organizations are seeking changes on the state and federal level.  

The shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for consumers and PCAs continues to put both groups at risk. The state has not adequately addressed this problem. Consumers can request supplies by contacting the PCA union, SEIU 1199.

2. Keep up-to-date on Masshealth public hearings- https://www.mass.gov/service-details/masshealth-public-hearings

Additionally, MassHealth is resuming the workgroups they had started to form before the pandemic hit – one on wheelchair repairs and one on absorbency product quality. These virtual workgroups will function to inform MassHealth of the issues people are experiencing with wheelchairs and absorbency products and to come up with solutions to these problems. If you use a wheelchair or absorbency products and are interested in participating in one or both of these workgroups, please contact Harry Weissman hweissman@dpcma.org or Eviva Kahne ekahne@bostoncil.org 

3. Dignity Alliance Massachusetts- Massachusetts organizations and individuals committed to totally revamping the provision of long-term services, support, and care and especially envisioning and implementing radical changes to nursing homes. To join this effort, please contact Paul Lanzikos paul.lanzikos@gmail.com

4. Accessible MA Act (Accessible and Adaptable Housing and Workplaces Legislation)- The coordinating committee advocating for this legislation is using this time during the COVID shutdown to contact media organizations to report on the need to pass this bill and strategize with the bill sponsors about creative ways to move forward.

5. PT – 1 (Mass Health Transportation Program)- Negotiations with the state to radically improve the transportation for MassHealth members is currently on hold but not forgotten.

6. REV-UP- Make your vote count- Viewable sessions of experts talking about voting in the disability community- https://www.webcastregister.live/revup/livestream7/1a15f8e0ff99412e8f25b846c2535a0b1d