January Update
Have you encountered barriers when trying to visit local stores or restaurants?
It's super easy to file a complaint with the state Architectural Access Board, and you don't need a lawyer!
Visit the AAB website at www.mass.gov/architectural-access-board-complaint for more info. For technical assistance on filing a complaint, send an email to Michael Muehe, Access Analyst for the Boston Center for Independent Living at mmuehe@bostoncil.org.
Telehealth for individuals with SCI:
Telehealth has played a crucial role in the lives and health of people with disabilities throughout the course of the pandemic and the availability of telehealth must be made permanent.
Physical and occupational therapists, people with disabilities, family members, and others have reported meaningful benefits throughout the pandemic that support a permanent option for telehealth to ensure needed access to Complex Rehab Technology. Beyond the Public Health Emergency, telehealth can help overcome access barriers relating to travel challenges, lack of qualified providers in certain areas, and concerns about exposure to medical risks.
Unfortunately, certain Medicare telehealth policies that are critical for our community are scheduled to expire at the end of the Public Health Emergency.
Click on the link below to support telehealth:
COVID-19 Relief Priorities:
Congress has been debating the contents and scope of an additional COVID-19 relief bill since the spring, when Congress passed the last major COVID-19 legislation, the CARES Act. Not only have some of the disability community’s most pressing priorities gone unaddressed during this time, but many of the provisions of the CARES Act expire at the end of this year, heightening the need for a new COVID-19 relief bill to be signed into law by then.
Click on the link below to support COVID-19 Relief:
Masshealth Dental Services:
Governor Baker vetoed funding to restore full MassHealth adult dental benefits in the FY21 Conference Budget. Please ask your State Representative to override the Governor’s veto and restore the $19 million in funding for full adult dental services including root canals and crowns for MassHealth beneficiaries.
Click on the link below to support dental services: