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Spinal Source: Transportation

Please join us on Saturday, Sept 19, 2020, from 11:00AM - 12:30PM at our September Spinal Source Education Series to hear presenter Kate White, Transportation Planner and Public Outreach Coordinator for the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization.

We will learn about the Coordinated Plan and its primary purpose to improve coordination among public transit agencies and other transportation providers to better meet the transportation needs of seniors and people with disabilities.

Kate wants to hear from us! What are our needs? How can we move around our built environment more easily? Where can transportation improvements be made?

Please come listen, and be heard, in this interactive behind-the-scenes look at what is considered in developing a viable and equitable transportation plan for Boston and surrounding areas that works best for all people!

Again, join us via Zoom on Saturday, September 19th at 11:00AM using the link below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 3063 5274

Passcode: 077861

One tap mobile

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Earlier Event: September 17
Virtual Family Social Hour
Later Event: September 21
Women's Virtual Discussion Group