Wheelchair User? Personal Care Attendant? Join Us for Skin Protection and Pressure Mapping Workshop!
Presented by:
Mary Jo Wagner, OTR/L, ATP
Learn how to protect skin and prevent pressure injuries. The 2-hour Zoom session will include:
1. Skin protection in the wheelchair, bed, shower chair and transfers.
2. Use and application of Pressure Mapping Technology
3. Open conversation for questions, suggestions, helpful tips, etc.
4. Zoom format will be used to allow "face-to-face" conversation and sharing.
To download supporting handouts (zip file) click here, along with a brief survey to be completed following the workshop. If downloading it from that link does not work please send us an email and we will get the zip file to you.
Zoom information:
Time: Oct 17, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87389684781?pwd=dXE4M3IzQk1ibko4WFZDaURCR1o2dz09
Meeting ID: 873 8968 4781
Passcode: 248708
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