December 2022 Advocacy Update

The U.S. Department of Justice has launched a new and improved version of its Americans with Disabilities Act The updated version of the website works well with mobile devices, is easier to navigate, and features plain-language overviews of topics of wide interest.

Sidewalk Snow-Clearing Program

The City of Boston has announced plans to deploy more plow equipment to clear curb ramps, crosswalks, and sidewalks of snow this winter, with wheelchair users in mind. Kenzie Bok, one of the Boston City Council’s most vocal advocates for city-run sidewalk snow clearance, said “It has a big impact especially on folks with mobility challenges, our older folks, anybody with a stroller, anybody with a wheelchair… We want our city streets to be accessible to everyone. And that means the sidewalks have to be accessible.”


In September, MBTA leadership voted to authorize the construction and delivery of more than 100 new Green Line “supercars” that improve accessibility with consistent low-floor boarding, bridge plates at all of the cars’ double doors, and four priority areas set aside on each car for riders using wheeled mobility devices. Read about it on

On December 7, the MBTA and the Boston Center for Independent Living will host a virtual semi-annual public meeting to provide an update on progress toward Systemwide Accessibility on our public transit system. Read the fascinating history and then attend the update:

Accessibility and Daniels-Finegold v. MBTA Virtual Settlement Update by Judge King
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Contact:, 617-222-5254

S.3136, “An Act Expanding Wheelchair Warranty Protections for Consumers with Disabilities.”

Reprinted from the Nov 30 Disability Policy Consortium e-update, on a topic that the Greater Boston Chapter of United Spinal Association also supports: “A few weeks back, the Massachusetts Senate passed S.3136, “An Act expanding wheelchair warranty protections for consumers with disabilities.” We have been working on this bill for the last few years alongside the Disability Law Center, Boston Center for Independent Living, and… we are thrilled to see such incredible movement on it at the state house! …This is a huge win for wheelchair users across the Commonwealth who all too often have to go weeks or months without a working wheelchair while they wait for a repair. This bill would be a major step toward fixing that, so we now need to get it passed in the House… We’re calling on everyone to thank your senators and urge your representatives to support this crucial piece of disability rights legislation!” Find your legislators’ contact info here:, or reach out to Harry Weissman, DPC Director of Advocacy: or 617-977-4084.

Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors

Did you miss the December 1 U.S. Access Board Webinar on Automatic and Power-Assisted Doors, which covered federal standards for opening speed, safety features, sensors and activation devices, labeling, and more? Good news: the recording and handouts are available online!

Envision 2050

Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) is embarking on the public engagement process for the Envision 2050 ( which includes these focus groups. The plan establishes transportation policies, programs, and funding for our region. These focus groups are an opportunity to discuss and provide input on our region’s transportation issues, needs and priorities. You are welcome to participate in more than one focus group based on your transportation mode choices. These transportation mode-based focus groups will be held virtually. Please find the information to register for the focus group below.

Information on Focus Groups:
Envision 2050 Pedestrian/Bicyclist Focus Group: Virtual, January 17, 2023, 12 pm - 1 pm: Register here (
Envision 2050 Transit Focus Group: Virtual, January 19, 2023, 12 pm - 1 pm: Register here (

As part of Envision 2050, we have a transportation survey available! Please take the Envision 2050 survey ( to help shape the future of transportation in our region. For more information on the plan, visit Envision 2050 website ( Should you require assistance or have any questions, please contact the NMCOG office at 978-454-8021 or contact Justin Howard at

From United Spinal National

PASTEUR Act (H.R. 3932/S. 2076)

We rely on antibiotics to fight infections and keep us healthy. For people who are immunocompromised, are managing a chronic illness, or are otherwise disabled, these drugs are incredibly important. Unfortunately, the germs that cause infections are increasingly resistant to the antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs currently available on the market, and few companies are developing new antibiotics. The United States needs to encourage the development of new antibiotics in order to keep our community safe from deadly infections.

Take Action Now

United Spinal Association supports the PASTEUR Act (H.R. 3932/S. 2076) which will establish a Committee on Critical Need Antimicrobials at the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure continued access to antimicrobial drugs, by developing a drug stewardship program that provides funds for companies to develop these needed interventions.

Please take action now to support this critical legislation and urge your members of Congress to include it as part of legislation that passes Congress by the end of this year.