April 2023 Advocacy Update
From The Disability Policy Consortium
We hope you're enjoying the spring weather that seems to be arriving early this year!
Certainly it feels like the legislature is beginning to spring into action; after getting numbers last week, bills have now been assigned to committees, and its only a matter of time before hearings begin to be scheduled. We're already looking for community members who would be interested in testifying, so if you have a personal story about experiencing healthcare discrimination, struggling to get a wheelchair repaired, facing discrimination for your disability in the family law system (to name just three of the bills we're working on!) please email us at advocacy@dpcma.org
Save the Date | Boston Disability Community Forum:
The City of Boston Disabilities Commission enthusiastically invites you, and your organization's members, to attend the 2023 Disability Community Forum! More information will be coming soon.
Save the date to join us on May 11, 2023 from 2-3:30pm
From Massachusetts Office on Disability
Reasonable Accommodation & Modification Requests in Housing
Wednesday, May 3
12 - 2 PM
If you can't equally enjoy your housing because of a disability-related obstacle, what do you do? Join us for an interactive virtual workshop on the reasonable accommodation (RA) and modification (RM) request process in housing.
This workshop provides information and examples to help you understand the process from start to finish and tips to avoid common pitfalls.
This workshop is designed for residents with disabilities (or their advocates), whether they live in rented accommodation or are owners in a housing/condo association.
Service and Emotional Support Animals in the Workplace
When employees request to bring a service animal or emotional support animal with them to the workplace, there are important considerations and procedures to keep in mind. This webinar from MOD gives Municipal ADA Coordinators at executive branch agencies the information they need to properly handle requests.
Recording: Service and Emotional Support Animals in the Workplace
From United Spinal National
President’s Budget Released
Here are some of the issues highlighted:
$150 billion to cover home and community based services
Focus on strengthening the newly established negotiation power on drug prices under Medicare to more prescription drugs and make Affordable Care Act tax credits permanent
$1.4 billion to improve service delivery for enrollees at the Social Security Administration
$3.8 billion for the National Park Service. In addition, the Budget includes a new $32 million initiative to build a more equitable National Park System, including investments to: expand tribal co-stewardship of national parks; address transportation barriers between parks and underserved communities; improve park accessibility for visitors and employees with disabilities.
$121 billion for medical care funding at the Department of Veterans Affairs
In addition to fully funding inpatient, outpatient, mental health, and long-term care services, the Budget supports programs that enhance VA healthcare quality and delivery, including a $5 billion investment for non-recurring maintenance to improve medical facility infrastructure, and continued efforts to address the opioid and drug overdose epidemic. For more information, click here.
Take Action Now So You Can Fly Friendlier, Safer, More Accessible Skies
Please take action today and send a note to your member of Congress to support the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (ACAAA) which will improve safety, accessibility and accountability in air travel for people with disabilities.
A tremendous thank you to Representative Dina Titus and Senator Tammy Baldwin for re-introducing the ACAAA and to United Spinal advocates for adding their voices to this critical issue to save our lives, our health and our wheelchairs. For more information, please visit our air travel blog.
Air Travel Nightmares This Year? USA Today Wants to Hear From You
If your wheelchair was or is damaged on lost during air travel in 2023, please share your story with USA Today.
The more we report wheelchair damages, the greater attention this growing tragedy gets. Opportunities with the national press are few and far between so please do take the time to add your voice to this critical issue that can literally cost lives of individuals in the wheelchair user community.
Please send us a copy of your story and if you have any questions, please contact us at: advocacy@unitedspinal.org.
Increase Funding for Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems
For over 50 years, since 1970, the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems program, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), has been the centerpiece of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary system of care, research, and resources for people with SCI.
United Spinal is asking Congress to provide a funding increase to the SCI Model Systems program in fiscal year 2024 because the Centers have been woefully underfunded and have not kept up with inflation or the 50% increase in the SCI population over the last twenty years.
End Segregated Subminimum Wage Employment For People with Disabilities Now
Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, employers who obtain what are known as 14(c) certificates are allowed to operate segregated workshops and pay disabled workers subminimum wages far below the minimum wage. This program began decades before our modern civil rights laws were written and by today's standards is understood to be discriminatory practice.
Please contact your members of Congress today and ask them to support the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act which gets rid of subminimum wages!
Advocacy LIVE – April 18th, 1pm ET
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Advocacy LIVE event on Tuesday, April 18th, at 1:00PM ET. This Advocacy LIVE is a great opportunity to connect with advocates across the country to share information and resources, ask questions, and collaborate advocacy efforts!
Pre-register for the Advocacy LIVE event on April 18, 1:00PM ET